Former U.S. Congressman Curt Weldon (R-PA) has asked Safe America to help do restoration for Ukraine which is leading to a search for an executive for Safe America’s new WorldSafe Institute.
Safe America is expecting major global work through its WorldSafe Institute. And, in order to accomplish it, the Foundation is seeking a new senior executive who can build a series of fundraising drives to save lives. CEO Len Pagano will seek to hire an experienced non-profit executive who can oversee finance and administration. And, Mr. Pagano added that an experienced CPA could also apply.
“2022 is leading us to more prominent tasks – including raising six-to-seven-figure incomes,” Pagano noted. “That’s why I’m seeking an experienced financial executive who can help our 501c-3s do exceptional management and advise senior staff and Board members on ways forward.”
Mr. Pagano noted this position is a result of what Safe America has been asked to do – both within the U.S. and throughout the world. The request to help Ukraine is an example of new programs, started by former Congressman Curt Weldon. Mr. Weldon – who formed a global non-profit, ‘One World for Life’ – is encouraging first responders and firemen leaders to advance use of new technology. His non-profit has partnered with Safe America and is planning high-level discussions on ‘Third Eye’ technology which can help medical and public safety. Mr. Pagano applauded Mr. Weldon and noted that’s the reason Safe America will look to expand its staff with 1-2 senior executives.
“To do all of this will require more staff who know how to work globally,” Pagano noted. “We’ll seek applications and start to evaluate how to build a global team that can do this work successfully and ‘smartly.'”
Individuals who would like to apply can submit a resume and send it to Mr. Pagano at len.pagano@safeamerica.org. For a private discussion, you can reach Mr. Pagano on cell phone at (770)-509-7958.