Damion Olinger was hired this week to serve Safe America and grow CEO Network memberships… while also helping engage volunteers for ‘leadership service.’ A current priority is helping get people COVID vaccinations. CEO Len Pagano reports that Mr. Olinger is researching a way to use our ‘SEAT Fleet’ (of ambulances and cars) to get people […]
Safe America’s planned ‘Spring Symposium’ has been delayed due to Coronavirus. The reason for the postponement was the Federal Reserve Bank’s decision to shut down its Conference Center for the entire month of April to help avoid further flu cases. Foundation President & CEO Len Pagano thanked the Federal Reserve Bank for its safety precaution […]
CEO Len Pagano visited on Capitol Hill with Congresswoman Jennifer Gonzalez Colon, sharing continued work to help Puerto Rico deal with future hurricane seasons. Pagano told Cong. Colon that Safe America is establishing a ‘drone program’ thanks to Target and will work with the Puerto Rico Education Foundation to teach students how to protect themselves […]
Walmart CEO Doug McMillon announced today that Walmart will end sale of handgun ammunition… while also keeping customers from entering any of their 4,700 stores with guns. The decision – less than a month after the tragic mass gun attacked in El Paso, Texas – is a good call – and evidence that Walmart is […]
Chairperson Kim Ryan (WellStar Health System) led a conversation with Chairman-elect Jeff Turner and Safe America CEO Len Pagano… considering how the Foundation might train more community leaders, business executives, church and synagogue leaders and school principals on how to ‘survive’ active shooters. The plan: work with Board member Alon Stivi, who has been training […]
Written by Stephen M George, Jr. There are many transportation safety issues which are worthy of discussion. This post will focus on train safety …in particular maintenance, weather, equipment, and infrastructure and how it all ties together with regard to train safety. In the United Kindom, a “4ft deep and 2ft wide” sinkhole has formed […]
Safe America President & CEO Len Pagano met recently with Operation Hope CEO Dr. Anita Ward, extending the two non-profits collaboration to help America be ‘prepared, not scared’ with dealing with future disasters or emergencies. The initiative will begin with meetings in New York on August 24 at the World Trade Center, where Operation Hope […]