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New Post-Covid Goal: Helping Other Non-Profits

New Post-Covid Goal: Helping Other Non-Profits

How can non-profits recover from the COVID-19 ‘effect?’ That’s a topic the Safe America Foundation is evaluating with the WorldSafe Institute.

Through leadership discussions, new Board member Jeff Jones has suggested establishing a ‘Donor Advised Fund’ (DAF). Mr. Jones, principal executive in Owenby Jones Wealth Management, LLC, discussed how millions of dollars can be raised via a WorldSafe Fund. Mr. Jones estimated that dozens of non-profits that need more income to survive – and do more good – could be aided.

“Thanks to Jeff and Owenby Jones Wealth Management, LLC, we’ll seek to establish a new DAF this summer – and start fundraising this fall,” noted Chairman Len Pagano. “Helping recover from economic decline will help save non-profits – and save lives.”

Safe America is also discussing with Project World Impact (PWI) on how this can be shared with 100 international and domestic non-profits who are PWI clients.

“More conversations will evaluate what’s doable… and start our outreaching to non-profits,” Pagano noted. “We’re proud that our collaboration with others such as the American Red Cross, United Military Care, Knights of Columbus and YouthSpark may lead to more outreach – helping us ‘keep doing recovery’ and protecting lives.”