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Meet Lillie Dravis!

Meet Lillie Dravis!

The University of Georgia continues to provide interns to Safe America. This fall, Lillie Dravis will be among 5 interns being selected. And, with Ms. Dravis’ enthusiasm, she’s already started!

“We’re delighted to have a bright, young students from the SPIA School (School of Public and International Affairs) at UGA,” said CEO Len Pagano. “We’re looking forward to doing more good work with our interns this fall – and, even though it’s summer, we’ve already started!”

Pagano noted that Ms. Dravis is working on a national survey evaluating on how COVID-19 is affecting people emotionally. The purpose: to help Americans determine how to be ‘safer’ before future tornadoes, hurricanes or wildfires.

“Ten years ago, we had a theme – “Be Prepared. Not Scared.” We’re going to reintroduce this in the fall… and focus on what we can do to renew disaster drills,” Pagano added. “Thanks to Lillie and other young interns, we’ll focus on how the ‘next generation’ can be leaders in health and safety – getting their peers to absorb they should be leaders for the entire country.”

Pagano added that any college student who’d like to be an intern (from other universities) can also apply. For information, call (770)-509-7958.