According to the BBC, every person shakes 15,000 handshakes in their life – as a sign of ‘friendship.’ Now, the question is, ‘will we feel safe shaking hands this summer?’ Many experts note that our hands may carry and transfer germs. But it’s not the most severe element transferring COVID-19. So some people – in […]
While COVID-19 continues to be a tragic medical factor, the country is beginning to re-open its doors – with more people returning to work and restaurants re-opening. The question that many face is “how do we return to ‘normal’ but still stay safe – and is social distancing keeping us ‘away’ from shaking hands and […]
Safe America’s planned ‘Spring Symposium’ has been delayed due to Coronavirus. The reason for the postponement was the Federal Reserve Bank’s decision to shut down its Conference Center for the entire month of April to help avoid further flu cases. Foundation President & CEO Len Pagano thanked the Federal Reserve Bank for its safety precaution […]
Just like the rest of the country, the Safe America Foundation has been impacted by the recent Coronavirus. The Foundation’s driving school has interrupted its Driving School training for teens… to make sure they are ‘safe’ and healthy. At the same time, online content is being uploaded more frequently. “We’re working with Cloud 9 to […]