
Here’s the Latest News from SNN… 

Coronavirus Impacting Safe America & Slowing Down Travel; Hope, However, Remains ‘Up’ to Protect America

Just like the rest of the country, the Safe America Foundation has been impacted by the recent Coronavirus. The Foundation’s driving school has interrupted its Driving School training for teens… to make sure they are ‘safe’ and healthy. At the same time, online content is being uploaded more frequently. “We’re working with Cloud 9 to […]

AMEX Former Chief Medical Officer Joins Safe America Board; To Head National Initiative

Dr. Joxel Garcia, former Assistant Secretary of Health in President George Bush’s Administration and recent CMO of AMEX, has re-joined the Safe America Board of Directors. Dr. Garcia, who was Chairman of Safe America’s national board in 2011-15, will be overseeing new health and disaster programs, including ongoing work in the Caribbean. “We’re honored to […]

NOYS Discusses with Safe America Potential Collaboration

The National Organization of Youth Safety (NOYS) visited with CEO Len Pagano in Washington, DC this week, exploring ideas to do joint work in year 2020. Staffers June Hughes and Tamika Brown (in photo l-r with Len Pagano) learned ways that Safe America is looking to expand teen driver education and consider more ‘Brain Camps’ […]

Safe America Visits Congresswoman Jennifer Gonzalez Colon; Emphasizes Work to Teach Hurricane Resiliency

CEO Len Pagano visited on Capitol Hill with Congresswoman Jennifer Gonzalez Colon, sharing continued work to help Puerto Rico deal with future hurricane seasons. Pagano told Cong. Colon that Safe America is establishing a ‘drone program’ thanks to Target and will work with the Puerto Rico Education Foundation to teach students how to protect themselves […]

Salute to Walmart CEO Doug McMillon for Courageous Decision to Avoid Massive Shooter Incidents

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon announced today that Walmart will end sale of handgun ammunition… while also keeping customers from entering any of their 4,700 stores with guns. The decision – less than a month after the tragic mass gun attacked in El Paso, Texas – is a good call – and evidence that Walmart is […]

Tragedies in El Paso and Dayton, Ohio Spark Plan to ‘Train More’ on Active Shooter Survival

Chairperson Kim Ryan (WellStar Health System) led a conversation with Chairman-elect Jeff Turner and Safe America CEO Len Pagano… considering how the Foundation might train more community leaders, business executives, church and synagogue leaders and school principals on how to ‘survive’ active shooters. The plan: work with Board member Alon Stivi, who has been training […]

Safe America’s New ‘Home’ Opening in Atlanta

Thanks to the WellStar Health System, Safe America is opening its new national headquarters in Atlanta! The 3,200 square feet office space is now moved into, with staff adding some ‘finishing touches’ this weekend. “We really are ecstatic,” noted CEO Len Pagano. “We appreciate the work that Kim Ryan (our Chair) did to help get […]