Safe America’s #1 Goal: Save Lives, Advance National Agenda (Including End Daylight Savings by Labor Day; Keep Kids Off ‘Un-Air-Conditioned School Buses during August) Atlanta, GA – The Safe America Foundation will hold a news conference at the State Capitol on Thursday, September 27, at 11:00 am to announce plans to launch several initiatives this fall […]
SAFEAMERICA Leases ATL Kiosk to ‘Inform Travelers’ of Human Trafficking, Opioid and Other Safety Issues SafeAmerica’s #1 Goal: Save Lives, Advance National Agenda (Including End Daylight Savings by Labor Day; Keep Kids Off ‘Un-Air-Conditioned School Buses during August) Atlanta, GA – The Safe America Foundation will hold a news conference at the State Capitol on Thursday, September […]
Sometimes, traffic is a nightmare! And often we wonder what causes it and how to prevent it. Whether you are driving to work, school, vacation, or just about anywhere, you are bound to find congestion on the road. Now, what is the cause of this congestion? Other people in traffic aggressively adjusting their speed or […]
Written by Stephen M George, Jr. There are many transportation safety issues which are worthy of discussion. This post will focus on train safety …in particular maintenance, weather, equipment, and infrastructure and how it all ties together with regard to train safety. In the United Kindom, a “4ft deep and 2ft wide” sinkhole has formed […]
Imagine walking a tightrope blindfolded. Now imagine walking that same tightrope with multiple people and everyone is blindfolded. Does not sound safe, does it? Well, every time you pick up your phone while driving, you put on a blindfold, even if it’s only for a few seconds. That is what the House Bill 673 also […]
Written By Stephen M. George, Jr. MPA Novice drivers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) differ from experienced drivers. The question of whether virtual reality driving simulation training (VRDST) improves ASD driving performance is a novel concept…. In a recent study published in the Journal of Autism Developmental Disorders, 51 novice ASD drivers (mean age 17.96 […]
By Stephen M. George Have you been infected by a contagion called …stigma? Take the National Association Mental Illness (NAMI) #curestigma test …DARE to be stigma-free! To take the test go to
The AJC- “CDC: Women show biggest rise in suicide” Original Article published Thursday 6.14.2018 Blog written by Andrea K. Winters Date: 8.14.2018 Suicide rates are rising in the U.S., especially among women. Or so says the latest report from the CDC. Stunningly suicide rates have “increased in women in Georgia by 30% from 2000 to […]
Written By Stephen M. George Jr. MPA Overview What is spoofing and how does it work? “Spoofing” occurs when a caller deliberately falsifies the information transmitted to your caller ID display to disguise their identity. Spoofing is often used as part of an attempt to trick someone into giving away valuable personal information so it […]
Veterans – if you are in the Atlanta area on March 3, you are invited to a very special concert event. The best part of all – it is completely free for all veterans. Mark your calendar for Saturday, March 3 from 3:30pm-5:30 pm to hear the beautiful sounds of the United States Army […]